Liam Gallagher - One Of Us

Il testo e il video della canzone One Of Us del cantante Liam Gallagher.

Liam Gallagher - One Of Us“One Of Us” è la traccia numero 2 di “Why Me? Why Not”, secondo album di Liam Gallagher. Uscito nel 2019, questa canzone è il secondo singolo estratto dall’album. Liam Gallagher è un cantautore inglese, già frontman del gruppo musicale degli “Oasis”, una delle più note band musicali del mondo dagli anni ‘90, e dei “Beady Eye”, formazione nata a seguito dello scioglimento degli Oasis e attiva fino al 2014. Il video e il testo di “One Of Us” contengono numerosi riferimenti al fratello Noel Gallagher. Liam cammina in una landa disseminata da foto dell’infanzia dei due fratelli. Ad un certo punto compaiono dei bambini che impersonificano i tre fratelli Gallagher: Noel, Paul e Liam. La scritta “28-08-09”, su una porta, è un riferimento alla data dello scioglimento degli Oasis.

Hey kid, did you know?
Today sixteen years ago
It was you and I for the last time
You angrily said
With a smoke ring ‘round your hands
You would see me on the other side

Come on, I know you want more
Come on, and open your door
After it all you’ll find out
You were always one of us
Act like you don’t remember
You said we’d live forever
Who do you think you’re kiddin’?
You were only one of us
In time

When you come to mind
Disappear a thousand times
Keep me hanging on to the old life
Well, I’ve gotta go
Maybe see you down the road
Won’t you tell the kid I said goodbye?

Come on, I know you want more
Come on, and open your door
After it all you’ll find out
You were always one of us
Act like you don’t remember
You said we’d live forever
End up at the beginning
You were only one of us
In time


Come on, I know you want more
Come on, and open your door
After it all you’ll find out
You were always one of us
Act like you don’t remember
You said we’d live forever
End up at the beginning
You were only one of us
In time

Liam Gallagher su Wikipedia
