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Il testo e il video della canzone Voices di Russ Ballard.
“Voices” è la traccia numero 4 di “Russ Ballard”, sesto album del cantante “Russ Ballard”. Uscito nel 1984, questa canzone è il primo singolo estratto dall’album. Russ Ballard è un cantante e chitarrista britannico. Ha scritto e prodotto canzone anche per altri gruppi. La canzone “Voices” fu inserita nella colonna sonora del telefilm “Miami Vice” nell’episodio “Calderone’s Return: Part 2 – Calderone’s Demise”, trasmessa il 26 ottobre 1984. La canzone raggiunse la posizione numero 15 nella “Mainstream Rock Songs”.
If you could see my mind, if you really look deep, then maybe you’ll find
That somewhere there will be a place, hidden behind my comedian face
You will find somewhere there’s a house, and inside that house there’s a room
Locked in the room in the corner you see
A voice is waiting for me, to set it free, I got the key, I got the key
Voices, I hear voices
In my head the voice is waiting, waiting for me to set it free
I locked it inside my imagination, but I’m the one who’s got the combination
Some people didn’t like what the voice did say
So I took the voice and I locked it away, I got the key, I got the key
Voices, I hear voices, voices, I hear voices
Don’t look back, look straight ahead, don’t turn away, then the voice it said
Don’t look back, yesterday’s gone, don’t turn away, you can take it on
Voices, I hear voices, voices, I hear voices
(chorus repeats 3x)
Voices, voices, voices, voices – don’t look back
Voices, voices
(chorus repeats 2x)
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